Sonneratia griffithii

Sonneratia griffithii

Sonneratia griffithii, also known as the Griffith’s mangrove, is a tree species found in mangrove forests throughout Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The tree has large, elliptical-shaped leaves that are around 20-25 cm long and 8-15 cm wide, and its flowers are small and white. The fruit of Sonneratia griffithii is a round, fleshy berry that is around 4-6 cm in diameter and contains several seeds.

Sonneratia griffithii is adapted to grow in brackish water and is often found in the intertidal zone of mangrove forests, where its roots are submerged in water at high tide and exposed to air at low tide. The tree provides habitat and food for a variety of animal species, including birds, crabs, and fish.

In addition to its ecological importance, Sonneratia griffithii is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, such as fever, cough, and skin diseases. The tree is also used for timber and fuel.

Overall, Sonneratia griffithii is an important species in Southeast Asian mangrove forests, valued for its ecological, economic, and cultural significance. Its ability to grow in brackish water and its importance as a habitat for many animal species make it an essential component of mangrove ecosystems.

Updated: 21 April 2023 — 09:02

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