Artocarpus hirsutus

Artocarpus hirsutus

Artocarpus hirsutus, also known as the hairy-fruited jack or terap, is a plant species found in Southeast Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.

The tree produces large, oblong-shaped fruit that can reach up to 30 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter. The fruit has a green, spiky exterior and a yellowish, sweet-tasting flesh that is often eaten raw or used in desserts.

Artocarpus hirsutus is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, such as fever, diarrhea, and respiratory issues. The bark and leaves of the tree contain several bioactive compounds, including flavonoids and alkaloids, which have medicinal properties.

In addition to its culinary and medicinal uses, Artocarpus hirsutus is also used for timber and fuel. The wood of the tree is hard and durable, and is used in construction and furniture-making.

Overall, Artocarpus hirsutus is an interesting and useful plant species found in Southeast Asia, valued for its culinary, medicinal, and economic uses. Its large, sweet fruit and potential health benefits make it a popular ingredient in desserts and traditional medicine, while its hard, durable wood is used in construction and furniture-making.

Updated: 21 April 2023 — 09:10

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